Sunday, December 8, 2013

Blog post narrative #3

Blog post narrative #3 Neal Chapman
In the final part of my trilogy of blog post narratives, Huck finn ends with a bang, and someone getting shot. This section of the book starts with Huck and Jim continuing down the river on the raft and meeting some interesting characters. They meet two “aristocrats” who are con-artists and go by the Duke and the Dauphin. Huck, a kid, and Jim, a black man, have no power to tell the two men what to do, which goes back to the theme of power in the book. It shows a similarity between kids and slave in the fact that neither can do much under the current laws. Before I get yelled at for saying being a kid and a slave are the same thing, I do not think that they are the same, they are both not fair, but being a slave is obviously worse than just being underage.
Eventually, the con artists try and trick a town to be the brothers of a recently man and claim his inheritance. Huck tells the dead man’s daughter about the con and she finds the gold. The con-men, Huck and Jim continue down the river. This is something that I do think that Huck and I would have done the same thing. I think that I would have also told the daughter, I don’t like to take stuff from people, and I like to help people whenever possible.  
The con-artists than sell Jim to a family and Huck has to go to the family. The family ends up being the aunt and uncle of Tom Sawyer. Huck pretends to be Tom, when Tom comes to vist, He pretends to be his younger brother. They try to make a plan to free Jim and Tom ends up being shot. In the end everything is great and it all works out. When Tom’s aunt asks to adopt Huck, he says he’s had enough of the south and moves out west to California. This is something that I would have done. I have never been a fan of the south, especially during this time period.                                                                                                         

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