Sunday, August 25, 2013

Neal Chapman Post 1
My strength in this years writing class will be reading and understanding hidden messages. I have always been able to see the hidden points in dense writing. I can also sit down and read for hours. If the book can get my attention, usually it can hold me. my worst problem would be getting my point across. I have always had a hard time communicating with other people. whether it was my speech impediment back in elementary, my stutter when i have ever had to talk in front of a group of people, or the fact that I can't seem to write my thoughts down on paper. the only time i have ever been able to get thought across is when I talk to someone I have known for awhile. My strengths are pretty basic so I am going to be talking about my problems. 

Ever since I was born i had a speech impediment, sometimes it sounded like a lisp, but other times i could talk normal. I was made fun of for it, which made me never want to talk to anyone. I was in time in speech therapy for most of my 6 years in elementary school. While it did help to get rid of the lisp, I still could not say the letter r. This made me just never want to talk to anyone which still is in effect today. Even after i fought my way past a speech impediment I was still unable to talk to large groups of people.

When ever I get in front of a large group of people I develop a stutter. I don't know why I do it, I just do. I have always done it also, ever since I can remember I have done it. I can remember specifically a couple times in middle school when i was forced to stand up in front of the class. every other word I would repeat three to four times. I was so embarrassed that I never wanted to talk to anyone ever again. this would lead to and extra 4 years of never wanting to say anything. When I didn't want to talk, most people would have thought I should have been good at writing my ideas down but I am not even good at that.

For some reason I can't write my thoughts down on paper. I have never been able to successfully write down my ideas for some reason. I will have a good, different idea but what I write down just sounds like an idiot wrote. the only way i know to successfully get my idea across is to talk to someone i know who can help me draw the idea out of my mind. It can't be a group of people because then I will get nervous and start to stutter. I also had a hard time making close friends because i had never wanted to be the first person to talk. I always would wait till they made the first move, which makes making close friends a hard time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you will improve in writing this year! It took me years to be able to attempt to get a point across. (hundreds of hours writing with my parent) The thing that helps me the most is to have someone write down what I'm saying to them, and then to go over and rearrange what's written down. I can't believe you have a lisp; I never noticed. You've obviously worked very hard on it. Good job.
