Wednesday, February 12, 2014

poetry #4

poetry #4
Neal Chapman
sonnet Vl

Then let not winter's ragged hand deface,
In thee thy summer, ere thou be distilled:
Make sweet some vial; treasure thou some place
With beauty's treasure ere it be self-killed.
That use is not forbidden usury,
Which happies those that pay the willing loan;
That's for thy self to breed another thee,
Or ten times happier, be it ten for one;
Ten times thy self were happier than thou art,
If ten of thine ten times refigured thee:
Then what could death do if thou shouldst depart,
Leaving thee living in posterity?
   Be not self-willed, for thou art much too fair
   To be death's conquest and make worms thine heir.

Title: the title of the sonnet is just sonnet Vl, i don't think that this title had very much thinking behind it.

paraphrase: i think the poem is trying to tell a girl to not grow old with time, but the poet knows that growing old is part of life.

connotation: in the first two lines when the poet is talking about summer and winter, i think he is talking about time passing in general, and not specific seasons. the last two lines are telling the girl that she is much to pretty for death to turn her body into a home for worms.

Tone: i think the the poet is talking in a deppresed kind of love he is in love with this girl =, but instead of seeing the good parts, all he can see is her dying in the end.

shift: before the last two lines, the poet is talking about what the death would do for him, and how sad it would make him. in the last two lines he shifts to talking about the girl directly.

title: once again the title is just a number.

theme: i think that the theme of this poem is knowing the inevitable. the poet knows that hte girl will die eventually and cannot stop thinking of that point.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

blog post #3

blog post #3
Neal Chapman

If i were to do any day over again it would be this last Friday. after working for 4 straight years just trying to get better, my high school hockey career ended. I always knew it would end, but i can't quite believe it is actually over. The hardest part about it ending is the fact that it could have gone for a little longer, while making school history in the process. Since we were the 4th place in our conference, the team would have to play state powerhouse west valley high school. we had played them 3 times already this year, each one ending with a 8-1 loss. while some people might look at this as a definite loss for the bears, i have always been the kind of person who could see the silver lining. I honestly thought that we could win the game. the first period went good until the last 8 seconds, when west valley scored their first goal. the rest of the game went like this, our team playing solid, except for a couple of points, which the other team would exploit and score. our team could only muster 13 shots to west valleys 46 and the final score was 3-1. while it was much better than any other, i was finished. it took me a couple minutes to fully comprehend that it was truly over. if i were to change anything i would have changed that day, to try and keep my hockey career going. although i know that nothing can be perfect, even if i had one that game, or even won the state tournament, i would still be sad that my hockey career was over.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

poetry #3

Poetry #3
Neal Chapman


"Hope" is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all,
- Emily Dickinson,

Title: the title of this poem really describes the rest of the poem. Hope really is a living idea and more than just a thought.

paraphrase: the poem is describing hope as if it were a bird, and more than just a thought. it wants to make the reader believe that hope is a living breathing organism.

Connotation: Song birds have always been used a symbol of peace and tranquility. If you watch a Disney movie, song birds are used to try and calm down the watcher. the reader compares hope to a song bird because the bird is happy, peacefull symbol known to most of the world as such.

attitude: the attitude in this poem is lighthearted and blissful. it talks about a bird that never stops singing, which is a good thing in this poem.

Shift: there is not much a shift in this poem.

title: looking back at the title, the word hope is used because of how good of the connotation is.

theme: the theme of this poem is hopeful.